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thoughts & PRayers

We live in an immanent world, closed off and self-sufficient to what God is doing in our lives and in his creation. But when we pray, our imaginations become resuscitated and enlivened to the redemptive work God is doing through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. In this sermon series, we will explore prayer though the Psalms and The Lord’s Prayer.

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Advent, Christmas & Epiphany 23/24 Advent means “arrival” or “coming” and is the season in the Church Calendar when we look back at Jesus’ first coming to stir in us the desire for his Second Coming. It is designed to give us hope in a dark world, peace in a fractured world, love in a world of hate, and joy in a world of fleeting pleasures. Advent is the holding of our breath in anticipation of what God is doing.

The author of Hebrews calls us to hold fast to the sure and steadfast anchor of hope. As we face a rapidly changing culture around us today, we believe that deepening our theology and understanding of who Jesus is, will help us hold fast to him.

We do not live one dimensional lives, but in Christ we are shown what resurrection life looks like. In our sermon series, “He Is Risen” we look at the resurrection appearances of Jesus to see what it looks like to participate in his resurrection life.

As a short story, Jonah is one of the more impactful books in the Old Testament. It tells the story of a reluctant Hebrew prophet, repentant Gentiles, and the power of God's word.

We are story people. We tell stories, read stories, watch stories, and make up our own stories. Our lives tell the stories that have been told about us, both positively and negatively. God also tells a grand story about who he is and how we live in relationship with him.

Advent means “arrival” or “coming” and is the season in the Church Calendar when we look back at Jesus’ first coming to stir in us the desire for his Second Coming. It is designed to give us hope in a dark world, peace in a fractured world, love in a world of hate, and joy in a world of fleeting pleasures. Advent is the holding of our breath in anticipation of what God is doing.

How is our heart formed in our worship? Why is our heart formed in worship? We will be exploring the practices of our worship to see how they form the habits of our heart for everyday worship.

What does it mean to be a church? Paul prays for the Ephesian church to be rooted and grounded in Christ’s love (3:17). In “Rooted” we are exploring what it means to be rooted in Christ.

Vision Sermon